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commercial Coating Services

Proven Performance

Commercial / Industrial

Industrial Coating Services


Many applications are fulfilled by thermal spray to provide wear and corrosion to fabricating components. Applications of hard face and restoration are used in items such as valve bodies and actuators.


Fabrication hardware is enhanced by applying a coating that resists the manufacturing environment of acid, wear, and other factors to create a mechanical barrier for adding longevity and process improvement to fabrication tools.


Industrial Coating Services


Many industrial applications require thermal spray to refurbish, enhance and restore parts back to new condition for operations such as:


IGT (Industrial Gas Turbines)

These are large gas turbine (jet) engines that generate electricity to power cities, manufacturing plants and large ships. Many IGT parts are rebuilt for return to service by thermal spray applications of diameter and surface restoration as well as Hard facing and Thermal barriers in combustion chambers and liners.


Valves and Heaters

These are parts that need repair or enhancement of hard surfaces for wear and corrosion protection.



We feature the following aerospace processes:



All are applied with robotic control for repeatability and consistent process parameters. For more information call us today at (877) 247-9108 or Contact Us.


Additional Supported Industries


FAA Certified Repair Station #UWZR525X

Utilizing robotic control for repeatability and consistent process parameters.



Providing Powerful Solutions

Our coatings add longevity and process improvement to fabrication tools.



Exceeding Industry Standards

Accuwright offers Sputter and Thin Film applications to micro-chip manufacturers.